The describe Mi-Le Buddha firstborn appeared completed 2,000 eld ago in India. The Guide to the Gospels of Mi-Le Buddha library how Mi-Le Buddha became well-read since his upcoming to the world. Since his prototypical upcoming to the worldwide and vowing to get a Buddha in the Pure Land, ten cycles of Heaven and Earth have progress. In this tenth Cycle, the nut he sowed up and the fruit ripened, and it's event for him to acquire it. When he reveals his echt identity, the world will change state a Pure Land.
In the "Red Yang" Period (2,500 eld ago) in this Cycle, Sakyamuni Buddha descended to Earth from "Tusati" Heaven and was dropped in Northern India. Mi-Le Buddha followed him and was whelped in Southern India. After Sakyamuni Buddha was enlightened, Mi-Le Buddha traveled from Southern India to Northern India to go Sakyamuni Buddha in Sravasti. When Sakyamuni Buddha initiated Mi-Le Buddha into the monastery, he declared that Maitreya Bodhisattva had simply attained Tao and that he would enter Nirvana 12 eld later, and then talk in Tusati Heaven.
Anyone who wished-for to be a pupil of Mi-Le Buddha must hunt the Five Disciplines (not to kill, not to steal, not to be lustful, not to update lies and not to portion), do the Ten Goodwill Measures (not to have greed, rage, and infatuation, not to sow discord, not to flatter, not to conversation in offensive tongue, not to utter recklessly, not to kill, not to steal, and not to be sexy), and mantra the given name of Mi-Le Buddha. After "fifty-six billion years" the hoi polloi would hound Mi-Le Buddha dropping to Earth, comprehend to sermons in the "Long-hua Assemblies," ('Long' implies the True Self. 'Hua' implies the existence. Long-hua Assemblies mode that each person has his 'True Self and life' combines unneurotic and meets in Heaven), and get lettered.
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However, Mi-Le Buddha has gone traces of his descending in the international masses times, but the mortals couldn't endorse him. In South-North of China, Mi-Le Buddha descended as Fu Da-shi. In Tang Dynasty, he descended as the Monk next to Cloth Bag (or the Laughing Buddha). Presently, all statues of Mi-Le Buddha in China are in the develop of the Monk with Cloth Bag, which unveils his pectus and belly. When the Monk next to Cloth Bag was around to check out of the world, he sat on the eastern lateral of the house of worship and said, "Mi-Le is the genuine Mi-Le. Mi-Le has innumerable similes. His resemblance is shown to populace constantly, except that family cannot certify it." Therefore, the figure of "fifty-six billion" is solitary a badge.
Both the Bible and Koran forebode the end of the world and the upcoming of a planetary good shepherd. The "Doctrine of the Mean" states "When the Saint descends one c generations later, here will be no cognitive state to the Truth." One generation is give or take a few 30 years and in the teachings of Tao of Heaven, Mi-Le Buddha but came as the 63rd Patriarch and his Heavenly name is "Ching Kong Chu Tzu." He is the jew of the "White Period" (now) where the world is approaching to an end by the conclusion of the Last Catastrophe of the Third Period. This eradication will be by the water, happening and contract killer twist called "Gang Feng." The Bible describes as The Final Judgement.
My Heavenly Teacher JiGong said, "Man is destroying and bloodshed numerous sentient beings in every characteristic. How can such conduct not generate God (Lao Mu) in madness and plummet the ruthless fate (disasters and catastrophes). After frequent years, the condition accumulates and Man becomes ghosts and ghosts go Man. The enmity and antipathy from all injury must be repaid whether one is defunct or alive."
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